Yes, my husband is so hopelessly romantic. Now before you click to another blog and wish you were living in Cinderella's world like me, stick around for a minute and keep reading.
My dear sweet man ( who knows I am writing this, btw) is being a romantic. Yes, that is what he thinks and I used to believe the lie. In fact, I won Lysa Terkeurst's Valentine blog contest because I was so frustrated with this 'wonderful' man. Flowers? Nope. Candy? Nope. Card on Mother's Day? Nope!
Maybe a couple of times a year he will think of doing those small niceties, but the rest of the year? ? He is always ready to listen when I need him. He patiently holds my hand when I'm spazzing over the loss of hair us middle age women experience. And he works so hard at his job so he can desperately get that promotion so I can cut back my hours at work.
Romantic? Maybe not like Cinderella. But romantic where it counts. Romantic not just one or two days out of the year, but in the everyday commitment. I love you, honey!
Hi, I just read your post on Lysa's blog, and I wanted to say I can totally relate with the meno thing (I turned 50 a few weeks ago)...I went through a lot last year with feeling irritable and depressed and 'what's wrong with me' and 'I don't have any friends!' It is such a challenge being 'hormonally-challenged!' feel free to keep in touch via blogs, sounds like we have a lot in common and also we are paralegals!
Blessings & Hugs,
Thanks for your nice post on my blog! I am in the field of worker's compensation law..we do some PI and Social Security Disability too. I have worked for the same law firm for 25 years!
Please feel free to email me at anytime, I think we have a lot in common!
BTW...I loved this post about your hubby..sometimes they miss it big in some areas, and get it right totally in others!!! :-) That's cool you won Lysa's Valentine's contest!
Barb-I will pray for your husband. Mine is going through the same thing. He has been withthe company over 25 years and they are riding him hard-he can't be good enough...they take and take and take. I am ready for him to walk away and to walk in faith that God will provide. It's not worth the stress anymore. Pray for us too!!
In His Graces~Pamela
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