Monday, February 26, 2007

How do we live a Christ-centered life in this crazy hectic world?

Life is so fast...I blink and it is Monday all over again. How do we make the minutes count? We are striving to reign in our family and attempt to have positive quality family time with Biblical teaching moments. Let me tell you, this is work. But the scripture commands it and we need to keep striving and not grow weary. What do our kids see from our lives? Do we frantically run from one activity to the next; showing that life dictates us. Or do we prayerfully consider our activities to maintain our priorities and lead our children by example.

My heart yearns for moments of rest and quietness and times to reflect. As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longeth after thee...


Lelia Chealey said...

Found you at Lysa's blog...not sure why you're not posting more, but you should. I loved the one post you wrote!!! I would love to hear more from you! So post...:)

Janet Roller said...

Congrats on the drawing thru P31/Lysa T. I enjoyed your post...I'm with Lelia - more.
Have a happy day-

Cyndie said...

Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my site!:) This bloggy world is new to me and I love ending a day feeling like I made a new friend:)! Please keeps your posts coming! I loved reading the one you just wrote. There are days (as an at home mom)when your words may be the only adult interaction I get):)!

In Him,

Jodie Wolfe said...

If you have a few minutes, I would love your input on my blog in regards to the ten struggles that Christian women face. Thank you!