Sunday, December 8, 2019

Christmas Characters - Elizabeth

A life of disgrace seemed to summarize the thoughts of her life before giving birth to her son, John. Women from her culture did not work 9 to 5 in a man’s world, juggling car pools, soccer games and zumba classes. A woman’s life centered around her home, garden, family, cooking and possibly a trade such as sewing and babies. Yes, babies! Most women long to hold that precious bundle, gaze into his eyes and ponder what plans God has for her little one. But for most of Elizabeth’s life her arms were empty. Some of us have faced the empty places around the table...the empty nursery...and empty arms.
As I read Luke’s account of Elizabeth in chapter 1, I do not see him describe a bitter woman. Luke describes her as “righteous, “walking blamelessly in ALL the commandments and statutes.” Luke studied all these happenings and as a doctor I’m sure did careful research. He seems to give careful detail to each person he describes in his account. What a legacy Luke painted of her. Though her arms were empty, her heart was clearly not.
It makes me wonder if Elizabeth was a woman of prayer, pressing into the heart of God to give her strength in her grief. I believe she developed a real sense of God’s presence in her life because of her empty womb. But it seems as if her struggle was still there to not feel that somehow she felt deficient that her body could not produce another life. With all her obedience to the commandments and her desire to follow her Lord, Luke seems to portray that she still felt shame. Notice her response when she discovered the news late in her years that she would finally have a son....The Lord had taken away her shame, her reproach, her disgrace. God was with her in the midst of the pain of barrenness!
We get a glimpse of Elizabeth’s true character as we watch the first thing she does when God finally answered her prayers. She retreats to the quietness of her home....secluded for five whole months! I am not sure about you, but when God does something big it is very hard to keep it quiet. I want to tell everyone. Elizabeth went to her God first and stayed there for over half of her pregnancy. She took no credit for this miracle child. God did it! And she wanted to soak up His presence as she prepared for her son’s birth. Isn’t that a great lesson to learn from the mother of Jesus’ forerunner?

Hmmm...I can only imagine the influence Elizabeth had on the young maiden who ran to her side when she was told she would birth Jesus! Be it any wonder that Mary sat at the feet of her cousin to learn how to prepare her heart for the coming of the Messiah...her Savior...her son.
What a necessary reminder for me this season.
Lord, may I spend time in Your presence as I prepare my heart to celebrate Your birth. What a perfect time to pull away from the clamor and noise of the trappings we so often chase after and truly be in awe of You.”